Company Name

Acknowledgements and Copyright

Acknowledgements and Credits

Website Design and Content: Rob Butler

Photographs: Rob Butler, Mike Lindsay ARPS DPAGB, Andy Powell, Sioux Ball, Russell Scott, Steve and Katie Tyler, Alexander Van Ingen, Paul Baker, David Bernstein, Aila Floyd, Dave Thompson, Robin Brown, Rusty Aldwinckle, LCI, Caroline Anderson, John White, Sylvia Strange and the Times and Citizen Newspaper.

Filming: John Dakin (Augen Blick Video Productions), James Balme (Historic Media Productions) and LCI.

Music: Richard and Elizabeth York.

Special Thanks: Julie Butler-Waddon, Carol Lindsay and all the re-enactors, interpreters, groups, societies, performers, artistes and musicians who appear on this website.


Historical Promotions and Event Management owns the copyright and all other rights on this site. The material on this site should not be used, copied, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of Historical Promotions and Event Management in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All material on this website, including images, text and graphics, is copyright © 2019 Historical Promotions and Event Management unless otherwise stated. The material on this site should not be used, copied, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of Historical Promotions and Event Management in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.